Maria Cox

Overcoming Self-Doubt Overcoming Self-Doubt Overcoming Self-Doubt

Overcoming Self-Doubt

The Enemy: You

The enemy within can hold us back from reaching our goals. How you may ask? If a person engages in self-defeating behavior, even the most realistic goal won’t materialize.

In preparation for a new year, let’s discuss ways to counter negativity:

  • Smile more, smile, right now!
  • Emit good energy
  • The energy you send out into the world comes back.
  • Do for others; focusing on others is a great way to gain perspective.
  • Remember that the universe is in balance. Things aren’t always as bad as they seem.

When things don’t go as planned we need to resist the urge to quit. In fact, challenges call for taking a step back, reassessing, and strategizing anew.

Ever onwards friends,

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