Submitted by Blog Admin on Fri, 04/22/2022 - 11:32


Every year on April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting our planet. There are many ways to celebrate Earth Day, below are three great ideas:


  • Recycle, everything: newspaper, magazines, boxes, cartons, clothing, etc. Don’t throw away old towels, use them for cleaning or keep them in your garage or in the trunk of your car. Don’t throw away newspapers, use them for padding in boxes or for lining a pet’s ‘home’ (cage or litter box). Colorful images from magazines can mean hours of entertainment for children. You can also donate magazines to professional offices (waiting areas at doctor or lawyer’s offices).


  • Educate yourself about the many challenges the environment faces. You can read articles, watch documentaries or attend talks and events.


  • Make a commitment to help out your community by picking up littler in your neighborhood.


To learn more about Earth Day and how you can make a difference, please visit:


Be well,
