Maria Cox

Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

Christmas Around the World

Christmas Around the World

Christmas in Australia

In Australia, it is tradition in the weeks leading up to Christmas to join in Christmas picnics organized by churches and sing Christmas carols on the beach, particularly on Bondi Beach near Sydney.

Christmas in Brazil

In Brazil, you will often find a ‘presepio’, a crib or nativity scene, in front of a church. ‘Papai Noel’, or Father Christmas, travels from Greenland to Brazil to give presents to kids. The floating Christmas tree in Rio de Janeiro is said to be the largest Christmas tree in the world. In Brazil, you say ‘Bom Natal’ or ‘Boas Festes’ if you wish somebody Merry Christmas.

Christmas in Italy

In Italy, a nativity scene, a ‘presepe’, is usually set up in churches, town squares and people’s homes. This is for many the most important part of the Christmas decorations. 

In Italy, the people wish each other ‘Buon Natale’, which means Merry Christmas.

Christmas in Singapore

Only about 19% of the population of Singapore are Christians, but Christmas is still a widely celebrated holiday. The shopping street on Orchard Road where there’s a very big light display.

There’s even a Christmas Theme Park in Singapore called Christmas Wonderland. It’s a popular place to visit for locals and tourists, alike. Outside St. Andrew’s Cathedral there is a life size Nativity Scene. Popular Christmas foods include ‘western’ things like Roast Turkey, although they might be floured with ginger and chili to make them especially Singaporean.

Christmas in South Africa

In South Africa, on Christmas Day the family gathers at a ‘braai’, which is the South African version of a barbecue (BBQ).

Some people will leave stockings for Father Christmas (“Kersvader” is what we call Santa). Some will open presents on Christmas Eve at 12 midnight, others will do it first thing Christmas morning. The shops and malls are decorated festively and carols are played as early as October.


Happy Holidays!

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