Confidence Done Right Confidence Done Right Confidence Done Right Confidence Done Right

Confidence, Done Right
Confidence is the new sexy.
In the last couple of weeks I spent time doing research for a new project geared toward women and happen to come across a few interesting articles on the topic of aging and self-esteem.
Interesting fact: national polls indicate that people over 50 make up 34% (2014 data) of the U.S. population, and numbers are expected to rise significantly over the next ten to fifteen years.
In reading several articles, a theme emerged, a theme that resonated with me as a mature woman (and I’m certain it does with women of all ages as well): confidence. What does confidence mean for women of a certain age? Here are a few points to consider:
- Confidence is sexy
- Confidence isn’t restricted to a specific age group
- Confidence is not a trend, so it will never go out of style.
I want us to keep in mind that confidence exudes a type of sexy that speaks for itself. Remember, confidence is the sexiest accessory you can ever have no matter what age, and guess what, it’s free!